Stan Holloway has over the years written songs and poetry - many beautiful words - in praise to Our Lord. We are reproducing this prayer, (with his permission) that he sent to a few of us recently. We hope it speaks to you as it has done to us. And to accompany this post, we have added a video of Matt Redman's Upon Him. DEPENDENT UPON HIM O Lord who's power is infinite and wisdom infallible, order things that they may neither hinder nor discourage me, nor prove obstacles to the progress of Your cause. Stand between me and all strife, that no evil befall, no sin corrupt my gifts, zeal, attainments. May I follow duty and not any foolish device of my own: permit me not to labour at work which will not bless, that I may serve You without disgrace or debt. Let me dwell in Your most secret place under Your shadow, where there is safe impenetrable protection from the arrow that flieth by day, the pestilence that walks in darkness, the strife of tongues, the malice of ill- will, the hurt of unkind talk, the snares of company, the perils of youth, the temptations of middle age, the mournings of old age and the fear of death. I am dependent entirely on You for support, counsel, consolation. Uphold me by your free Spirit, and may I not think it enough to be preserved from falling, but may I always go forward, always abounding in the work you give me to do. Strengthen me by your Spirit in my inner self for every purpose of my Christian life. All my jewels I give to the shadow of the safety that is in You. My name anew in Christ; my body, soul, talents, character, my success, spouse, children, friends, work, my present, my future, my end; take them, they are Yours, and I am Yours, now and forever. Stan Holloway - April 2020 |
MEDITATE ON THESE THINGS…Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Archives
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