Then David inquired of the LORD once again. And the LORD answered him and said, “Arise, go down to Keilah. For I will deliver the Philistines into your hand.” [1Samuel 23:4 NKJV] Matt Redman, in his song “Once Again” says “And once again I look upon the cross where you died. I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside.” The chorus concludes with a repeated “Thank You for the cross.” Indeed, when we are given a revelation of The Cross it is a defining moment in our lives, because we recognise just how momentous His death was for mankind and for each one of us individually — because His word is undoubtedly a personal relationship experience. The song is entitled “Once Again”, and with good reason. The revelation of Jesus on the cross is a life changing experience, but it must be revisited — it is definitely not a ‘once is enough’ moment; it is a ‘once again’ requirement, a returning to the essential point of Jesus’ time on earth — His death and resurrection. In the verse above, David asks God for help ‘once again’, and He answers the call — He reveals what David must do and He ‘will deliver’ on the promise. David had to keep asking and this is where we must follow the example — keep asking; keep interceding, keep yourself before the Lord — pray without ceasing — and He will bring us through. He will answer and be a present help in time of trouble -- and He longs to hear from us 'once again'. In our verse today, “Keilah” means ‘fortress’, or ‘stronghold’, and “Philistine” is to ‘roll in dust; wallow in self’; in other words ‘to wallow in self-pity’. But when we “look upon the cross” and receive again from Him, then that stronghold of self-pity is swiftly eliminated and “we are humbled by [His] mercy and [we’re] broken inside” We should never resist the impulse to come before Him ‘once again’. God will put you through many mills that are not meant for you, mills you would not be put through but that He wants to make you good bread for His little ones to eat. You can see now the meaning of that hard place you have been in. |
MEDITATE ON THESE THINGS…Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Archives
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